What is the relationship between literature and place in these narratives "from A Journey Through Texas" and "form of Plymouth plantation"

To understand the relationship between literature and place in the narratives "From A Journey Through Texas" and "Of Plymouth Plantation," it is important to analyze the texts themselves. Here's how you can do that:

1. Read the narratives: Begin by reading both narratives, "From A Journey Through Texas" and "Of Plymouth Plantation," carefully, making note of key themes and ideas related to place.

2. Identify setting: Pay attention to how each narrative describes the physical locations being discussed. Note the significance of these settings and how they impact the events and ideas presented in the texts.

3. Analyze literary techniques: Look for literary techniques such as imagery, symbolism, and figurative language used to depict the different places in each narrative. Consider how these techniques contribute to the overall themes and meanings of the texts.

4. Explore historical context: Research and understand the historical context that surrounds each narrative. Consider how the historical events and circumstances influenced the depiction of place in the texts.

5. Examine character and narrative perspectives: Consider the perspectives of the characters or the narrator in each narrative and how their experiences of place shape their attitudes, beliefs, and actions. This will provide insights into the relationship between individuals and their surroundings.

6. Compare and contrast: Identify similarities and differences in how the narratives portray place. Look for common themes or motifs related to place across both texts.

By following these steps, you can analyze the texts and identify the relationship between literature and place in the narratives "From A Journey Through Texas" and "Of Plymouth Plantation."

The place is included in the setting of any story ... book, play, short story, etc.

The question probably has to do with how PLACE (the setting) was important in those narratives (works of literature).