Why was the Renaissance era time of great

scientific discovery and inventions?

The educated people of the Renaissance began to value classical knowledge, arts, and innovation. Remember that "renaissance" means "rebirth." It was the rebirth of knowledge.

Once a knowledge explosion gets underway, it feeds on itself as more and more artists and scientists get ideas from others and build on their experiences.

The Renaissance era, which spanned roughly from the 14th to the 17th century, was indeed a time of great scientific discovery and inventions. There are several factors that contributed to this:

1. Rediscovery of Ancient Knowledge: During the Renaissance, there was a renewed interest in the knowledge and accomplishments of ancient civilizations, particularly the Greeks and Romans. Scholars and artists sought to revive their knowledge and delve deeper into their understanding of the world.

2. Humanism and Individualism: Humanism, a philosophical and cultural movement, emphasized the potential and capabilities of human beings. This shift in thinking placed an emphasis on individual achievement and exploration, which in turn encouraged scientific discovery and inventions.

3. Patronage and Support: Many influential patrons, such as wealthy merchants and city-state rulers, financially supported artists, scholars, and scientists. This patronage created an environment where individuals were encouraged to pursue their scientific interests without the constant worry of financial constraints.

4. Advances in Printing Press: The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century revolutionized the spread of knowledge. This allowed for the dissemination of scientific ideas, theories, and discoveries across Europe, fueling further scientific progress.

5. Exploration and Trade: The Renaissance was a time of extensive exploration and trade, leading to the exchange of ideas and knowledge. New discoveries from distant lands and encounters with different cultures fostered scientific curiosity and innovation.

To find more specific examples of scientific discoveries and inventions from the Renaissance era, you could explore historical texts, books, and articles that discuss this period. You can also visit museums or online databases that showcase artifacts and inventions from that time.