15-20. Put the following events in chronological order, with A for the first to occur and G for the last to occur.

g The “Pilgrims” land at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts
F Defeat of the Spanish Armada
D Jacques Cartier leads the first French effort to colonize the New World
e John Calvin writes Institutes of the Christian Religion
C Martin Luther writes the Ninety-Five Theses
B Columbus’ first voyage to the Western Hemisphere
A Native Americans cross the Bering land bridge


A long before others

B 1492 (we all know)
C 1517
D 1534
E 1536
F 1588 (We all know that - right ?)
G 1620 (did not have to look that up either :)

u just have 2 different ones mixed up it should be like this:

A- Columbus’ first voyage to the Western Hemisphere
B- Native Americans cross the Bering land bridge
C- Martin Luther writes the Ninety-Five Theses
D- Jacques Cartier leads the first French effort to colonize the New World
E- John Calvin writes Institutes of the Christian Religion
F- Defeat of the Spanish Armada
G- The “Pilgrims” land at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts

So the only thing was the first 2 is all

You're wrong, DesDes! Damon is right.

DesDes, the American Indians were here before Lief Erikson, never mind Columbus :)

Let's go through each event and determine their chronological order:

A Native Americans cross the Bering land bridge: This event is widely believed to have occurred around 14,000 to 20,000 years ago, making it the earliest event in the list.

B Columbus' first voyage to the Western Hemisphere: Christopher Columbus arrived in the Western Hemisphere in 1492.

C Martin Luther writes the Ninety-Five Theses: Martin Luther wrote the Ninety-Five Theses in 1517, sparking the Protestant Reformation.

D Jacques Cartier leads the first French effort to colonize the New World: Jacques Cartier explored and claimed territory in present-day Canada in the mid-16th century (1534-1542).

E John Calvin writes Institutes of the Christian Religion: John Calvin published the first edition of Institutes of the Christian Religion in 1536.

F Defeat of the Spanish Armada: The Spanish Armada was defeated by the English naval forces in 1588.

G The "Pilgrims" land at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts: The Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock on December 21, 1620.

Based on this information, the correct chronological order is as follows:

A Native Americans cross the Bering land bridge
B Columbus' first voyage to the Western Hemisphere
C Martin Luther writes the Ninety-Five Theses
D Jacques Cartier leads the first French effort to colonize the New World
E John Calvin writes Institutes of the Christian Religion
F Defeat of the Spanish Armada
G The "Pilgrims" land at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts

Therefore, it seems that your answers are incorrect.