15-20. Put the following events in chronological order, with A for the first to occur and G for the last to occur.

g The “Pilgrims” land at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts
F Defeat of the Spanish Armada
D Jacques Cartier leads the first French effort to colonize the New World
e John Calvin writes Institutes of the Christian Religion
C Martin Luther writes the Ninety-Five Theses
B Columbus’ first voyage to the Western Hemisphere
A Native Americans cross the Bering land bridge


To determine if your answers are correct, let's analyze the chronological order of these events:

A. Native Americans cross the Bering land bridge - This event is believed to have occurred around 15,000 to 20,000 years ago, making it the earliest event on the list.

B. Columbus' first voyage to the Western Hemisphere - Christopher Columbus first reached the Western Hemisphere in 1492.

C. Martin Luther writes the Ninety-Five Theses - Martin Luther wrote the Ninety-Five Theses in 1517, challenging the Catholic Church's practices. This event happened after Columbus' voyage.

D. Jacques Cartier leads the first French effort to colonize the New World - This event occurred in the mid-16th century, specifically in 1534 when Jacques Cartier led the first French expedition to North America.

E. John Calvin writes Institutes of the Christian Religion - John Calvin wrote his influential work, Institutes of the Christian Religion, in 1536. This event is also after Columbus' voyage.

F. Defeat of the Spanish Armada - The defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English navy happened in 1588. This event occurred after the other events on the list.

G. The "Pilgrims" land at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts - The Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620, making it the most recent event on the list.

Using this chronological order, the correct order for the events is as follows:

A. Native Americans cross the Bering land bridge
B. Columbus' first voyage to the Western Hemisphere
C. Martin Luther writes the Ninety-Five Theses
D. Jacques Cartier leads the first French effort to colonize the New World
E. John Calvin writes Institutes of the Christian Religion
F. Defeat of the Spanish Armada
G. The "Pilgrims" land at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts

Please compare this order with the answers you provided to determine if they are correct.