What ideas presented by

Karl Marx appealed to people in nations where
wealth was unevenly distributed?

Marx said that he believed wealth should be shared by everyone.

He believed everybody should earn the same no matter their social class .

To understand the ideas presented by Karl Marx that appealed to people in nations with unevenly distributed wealth, we need to break down some key concepts from his work. Karl Marx was a philosopher, economist, and social theorist who is most famous for his work in communism and his book "The Communist Manifesto."

One of the central ideas presented by Marx is the concept of class struggle. He argued that society is divided into two main classes: the bourgeoisie (the capitalist class) and the proletariat (the working class). Marx believed that the bourgeoisie, who owned and controlled the means of production, exploited the proletariat by paying them low wages and keeping the surplus value of their labor for themselves, leading to an unequal distribution of wealth.

Given this context, the ideas that appealed to people in nations with unequal wealth distribution include:

1. Overthrowing the bourgeoisie: Marx advocated for the working class to rise up against the bourgeoisie, establishing a more egalitarian society. This idea resonated with those who felt oppressed and exploited by the capitalist class.

2. Redistribution of wealth: Marx argued that the working class should take control of the means of production, abolishing private property and distributing wealth more evenly among all members of society. This concept of wealth redistribution appealed to those who desired economic equality and social justice.

3. Fair and just society: Marx's vision was centered around the idea of creating a classless society, where everyone's needs were met and social hierarchies were eliminated. This appealed to people who felt disadvantaged or marginalized under the existing social order.

It is important to note that while Marx's ideas may have appealed to those living in nations with uneven wealth distribution, how these ideas were put into practice in various countries has had mixed outcomes and been highly debated.