A ball is thrown from the ground. Its velocity after 4

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seconds is (15x -3y ) m/s. the range of the ball is
205 m.
189 m.
111 m.
98 m.

To find the range of the ball, we need to determine the horizontal distance it travels.

The given velocity vector of the ball after 4 seconds is (15x - 3y) m/s.

Since the ball is thrown from the ground, we know that the vertical component of its velocity is initially 0. Therefore, the effect of gravity can be ignored in this case.

The horizontal component of the velocity remains constant throughout the motion. So, by considering only the horizontal component of the velocity, we can determine the range.

The magnitude of the horizontal velocity can be found using the Pythagorean theorem:

Vx = 15 m/s

Now, we can calculate the range by multiplying the horizontal velocity with the time of flight:

Range = Vx * time

Range = 15 m/s * 4 s

Range = 60 m

Therefore, the correct answer is not listed among the options given.