How did Assyrian kings attempt to legitimize their rule?

Can someone please help me with this question? Thank you :)

Assyrian kings attempted to legitimize their rule through a variety of methods. One prominent approach was the use of propaganda, which involved projecting an image of themselves as divinely chosen and powerful rulers. Here's how you can learn more about this topic and get a detailed answer to your question:

1. Research historical texts: Consult books, articles, or scholarly papers that specifically focus on the reigns of Assyrian kings. These sources can provide detailed accounts of how the kings tried to legitimize their rule.

2. Study inscriptions and royal annals: Assyrian kings left behind numerous inscriptions and royal annals that documented their victories, achievements, and divine connections. Reading translations or interpretations of these inscriptions can offer insights into the strategies they employed to legitimize their rule.

3. Explore archaeological evidence: Archaeological excavations have unearthed artifacts, monuments, and structures associated with Assyrian kings. Analyzing these findings, such as palaces, temples, or statues, can reveal the symbolic and architectural elements used to project royal power and legitimacy.

4. Consider royal rituals and ceremonies: Assyrian kings regularly performed elaborate rituals and ceremonies to demonstrate their close connection to the gods. Investigating the specific practices and significance of these rituals can shed light on the ways in which they attempted to gain legitimacy.

5. Examine diplomatic relations: Studying the diplomatic correspondence and treaties between Assyrian kings and other rulers can provide insights into how they sought recognition and support from neighboring powers, which, in turn, bolstered their claim to legitimacy.

By delving into these various sources, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the methods adopted by Assyrian kings to legitimize their rule.