If a person walks 21 feet in 7 seconds how long does it take to walk 180 feet

21/7 = 3 feet/second

180/3 = ?



To find out how long it takes to walk 180 feet, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

We know that the person walks 21 feet in 7 seconds. Let's call the unknown time it takes to walk 180 feet as "x" seconds.

The proportion can be set up as follows:

21 feet / 7 seconds = 180 feet / x seconds

To solve for "x", we can cross-multiply and solve for "x":

21x = 180 * 7

Multiplying 180 by 7 gives us 1260:

21x = 1260

Now, let's isolate "x" by dividing both sides of the equation by 21:

x = 1260 / 21

Simplifying the right side of the equation gives us:

x = 60

Therefore, it would take 60 seconds to walk 180 feet based on the information provided.