What is the value of the expression when r = 3 and s = 11?

80 + (r2 × s2) + s
(The "2" are squared, so its r squared and s squared.)

80 + (r^2 * s^2) + s

80 + 9 * 121 + 11 = ?

80 + (9 * 121) + 11 = ?

To find the value of the expression when r = 3 and s = 11, you will substitute the given values into the expression and simplify.

1. Start by substituting the values of r and s into the expression:
80 + (r^2 × s^2) + s

Replacing r with 3 and s with 11:
80 + (3^2 × 11^2) + 11

2. Next, simplify the squared terms:
3^2 = 3 × 3 = 9
11^2 = 11 × 11 = 121

Now, substitute these values back into the expression:
80 + (9 × 121) + 11

3. Perform the multiplication:
9 × 121 = 1089

Now, substitute this value back into the expression:
80 + 1089 + 11

4. Finally, perform the addition:
80 + 1089 + 11 = 1180 + 11 = 1191

Therefore, when r = 3 and s = 11, the value of the expression 80 + (r^2 × s^2) + s is 1191.