3. A “representative character” is one who stands for

A. a certain ethnic group. C. a certain political theory.
B. a type of personality. D. humanity in general.
4. Which one of the following characters is most in tune with nature?
A. Ivar C. John Bergson
B. Annie D. Emil
5. After the death of Mr. Bergson, who takes over the planning of the farm?
A. Alexandra C. Oscar
B. Lou D. Emil
6. The description of Alexandra’s house (page 32) suggests that she is
A. slovenly and uncaring about her appearance.
B. more comfortable outdoors than in.
C. likely to overspend on furniture.
D. musical and a fan of the piano.
7. When Carl says, “We are all alike; we have no ties, we know nobody, we own nothing,” he’s
A. the farmers downriver.
B. the farmers in Alexandra’s community.
C. Alaskans.
D. city dwellers.
8. Carl’s mention of Frank’s jealousy is an example of
A. a universal truth. C. foreshadowing.
B. a convention. D. falling action.
9. “From two ears that had grown side by side, the grains of one shot up joyfully . . . and the
grains from the other lay still in the earth.” What two characters does this quote describe?
A. Ivar and Signa C. Otto and Lou
B. Alexandra and Otto D. Emil and Amédée
10. The yellow cane Alexandra finds at Marie’s house is a symbol of
A. Frank’s youth. C. Marie’s helplessness.
B. the ravages of old age. D. Carl’s sickliness.

Sorry, lost again!

When Carl says, “We are all alike; we have no ties, we know nobody, we own nothing,” he’s


carl's mention of frank's jelousy is an example of

Which one of the following characters is most in tune with nature?



3. To determine which of the options is correct, we need to understand what a "representative character" means. A representative character is a character in a literary work who embodies or symbolizes a larger group or concept. Their actions, traits, or beliefs represent those of a certain group or idea. Therefore, the answer to this question would be based on which option best describes what the representative character stands for.

To find the answer, we can analyze the given options:
A. a certain ethnic group: While characters can sometimes represent specific ethnic groups, this is not the general definition of a representative character.
B. a type of personality: This option suggests that a representative character represents a specific personality trait or type. This could be a possible answer since characters can embody certain personality traits as representatives.
C. a certain political theory: Some characters can represent certain political theories or ideologies, but this is not the general definition of representative characters.
D. humanity in general: This suggests that a representative character represents all of humanity. While this is a possibility, it is a broader concept and might not always be applicable.

Based on the given options, B. a type of personality, seems to be the best answer as it aligns with the general concept of a representative character.

4. To determine which character is most in tune with nature, we need to analyze the given options and their actions or traits related to nature. Look for evidence in the text that suggests a character's connection with or understanding of nature. It might also be helpful to understand what it means to be "in tune" with nature, which refers to having a deep connection, understanding, or harmony with the natural world.

To find the answer, you need to analyze the given character options:
A. Ivar: Look for references in the text about Ivar's relationship with nature.
B. Annie: Look for evidence of Annie's connection with nature.
C. John Bergson: Analyze John Bergson's actions or descriptions related to nature.
D. Emil: Examine Emil's interactions with nature.

By closely reading the text or referring to specific passages, you can identify which character shows the strongest connection or understanding of nature. Selecting the character who demonstrates the most harmony with nature would then be the correct answer.

Repeat this process for the remaining questions, carefully analyzing the information provided and searching for evidence in the text to find the correct answer.