17 < BMI <= 22 might have a longer life span than average

23 < BMI <= 25 probably not overweight

25 < BMI <= 30 probably overweight

BMI > 30 obese

**Have to use height of 62 inches and 150 pounds**

You can enter that as 5' 2" in the web site I gave you:


To determine the BMI (Body Mass Index) given a height of 62 inches and weight of 150 pounds, we first need to convert the height from inches to meters and the weight from pounds to kilograms.

1. Converting height:
There are 0.0254 meters in an inch. So, to convert inches to meters, we divide the height of 62 inches by 39.37 (since 1 meter is equal to 39.37 inches):
62 inches / 39.37 = 1.5748 meters (rounded to four decimal places)

2. Converting weight:
There are 0.4536 kilograms in a pound. So, to convert pounds to kilograms, we multiply the weight of 150 pounds by 0.4536:
150 pounds * 0.4536 = 68.0392 kilograms (rounded to four decimal places)

Now that we have the height in meters and weight in kilograms, we can calculate the BMI using the formula:

BMI = weight (kg) / (height (m))^2

BMI = 68.0392 kg / (1.5748 m)^2
BMI = 68.0392 kg / 2.4828 m^2
BMI = 27.3729

The calculated BMI is approximately 27.3729.

According to the provided categories:

- 17 < BMI <= 22: Individuals falling within this range might have a longer lifespan than average. Since the calculated BMI is 27.3729, it is not within this range.

- 23 < BMI <= 25: Individuals falling within this range are probably not overweight. Since the calculated BMI is 27.3729, it exceeds this range, indicating that the individual may be overweight.

- 25 < BMI <= 30: Individuals falling within this range are probably overweight. Since the calculated BMI is 27.3729, it falls within this range, suggesting that the individual may be overweight.

- BMI > 30: Individuals with a BMI greater than 30 are considered obese. Since the calculated BMI is 27.3729, it does not exceed 30, so the individual is not classified as obese.

Based on the calculated BMI, the individual is likely overweight, rather than having a longer lifespan or being within the normal weight range.