_________ allows States to split their electoral votes to mirror the popular vote within the particular State.

A) Direct Popular Election
B) The Proportional Plan
C) The District Plan
D) The National Bonus Plan

IT'S B!!!!!!

The answer is in the link Ms. Sue gave you.


I know that its not A.

It's D

The answer is C) The District Plan.

The District Plan allows states to split their electoral votes to mirror the popular vote within each particular district. Under this plan, the candidate who wins the popular vote in each congressional district is awarded one electoral vote, and the candidate who wins the overall popular vote in the state is awarded the remaining two electoral votes (representing the state's two U.S. Senators).

To get the answer, you would need to have a basic understanding of the different plans for allocating electoral votes. The Direct Popular Election and The Proportional Plan allocate electoral votes based solely on the overall popular vote in the state, while The District Plan allocates electoral votes by district. The National Bonus Plan is a different proposal altogether, which offers a bonus of additional electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote.

Therefore, by knowing the different plans and their characteristics, you can determine that The District Plan is the one that allows states to split their electoral votes to mirror the popular vote within each particular district.