Posted by rfvv on Friday, July 11, 2014 at 3:01am.

1. Exchange points with another team.
2. Swap points with another team.
(Are both the same?)

3. Take away 300 points from one team.
4. Bring 300 points from another team.
5. Take away 30 points from each team.
(Are they the same in meaning?)

(Do we have to use 'one' or 'another' if there are three teams and they are playing a game related to getting points by answering questions on slides? Do you have some more suitable expressions we can use in such a game?)
English - Ms. Sue, Friday, July 11, 2014 at 12:11pm
1 and 2 are both correct.

3 is correct. 4 is wrong. 5 is different; it means that you're taking points from all of the teams.
Thank you for your help. Are the following grammatical and the same, and can we use them in a game? Can we use 'another' instead of 'one'?

6. Take away 300 points from one team.
7. Remove 300 points from one team.
8. Get rid of 300 points from one team.
9. Delete 300 points from one team.
10. Take out 300 points from one team.

6 - 10 are all grammatical. Yes, we can use "another" instead of "one."

Thank you,and they are he same in meaning, aren't they?

Yes, they all mean about the same.

6. Take away 300 points from one team: This sentence is grammatically correct and can be used in a game. It means that you are subtracting 300 points specifically from one team.

7. Remove 300 points from one team: This sentence is also grammatically correct and can be used in a game. It has the same meaning as the previous sentence, indicating the action of subtracting 300 points from one team.

8. Get rid of 300 points from one team: This sentence is grammatically correct, but it may not be the most suitable expression to use in a game about gaining and losing points. "Get rid of" typically implies completely eliminating or disposing of something, rather than subtracting a certain number of points.

9. Delete 300 points from one team: This sentence is grammatically correct, but it may not be the most appropriate choice for a game. "Delete" is commonly used when referring to removing or erasing digital data, so it may not convey the idea of subtracting points in a game context.

10. Take out 300 points from one team: This sentence is grammatically correct and conveys the idea of subtracting 300 points from one team. It can be used in a game to describe the action of deducting points from a specific team.

In summary, sentences 6, 7, and 10 are the most suitable and grammatically correct options to use in a game. While the others may be grammatically correct, they may not accurately convey the intended meaning or context of a game about gaining and losing points.