1. Have you ever had pets?

2. Have you ever kept pets?
3. Have you ever raised pets?
Are they all grammatical? Do they have the same meaning? Does #1 mean #2? Which one is commonly used?

Answer is number 1

Yes, all three sentences are grammatically correct. However, they have slightly different meanings:

1. "Have you ever had pets?" - This is a general question asking if you have ever owned or possessed pets at some point in your life. It does not specify whether you currently have pets.

2. "Have you ever kept pets?" - This question is asking if you have ever actively taken care of pets or been responsible for their well-being. It implies that you have had some level of interaction and responsibility with pets.

3. "Have you ever raised pets?" - This question specifically refers to raising pets from a young age, taking care of them as they grow and develop. It implies a deep level of involvement and commitment to the pets' upbringing.

While the three sentences are related in the context of owning pets, they have slight differences in meaning and emphasis. The most commonly used question would be "Have you ever had pets?" as it is a more general inquiry about pet ownership.