Make a flowchart to show how the event m

might affect a forest ecosystem.
A logging company clear-cuts the trees in
the forest.

My question is; What are the events that might affect a forest ecosystem when clear-cutting the trees in the forest?

To understand the events that might affect a forest ecosystem when clear-cutting the trees, you can create a flowchart. Here's a simplified example of how you can represent these events:

1. Start: Logging company clear-cuts the trees in the forest.
2. Clear-cutting leads to loss of tree canopy.
3. Loss of tree canopy results in increased exposure to sunlight.
4. Increased sunlight promotes the growth of invasive plant species.
5. Invasive plant species outcompete native plants for resources.
6. Loss of native plants disrupts the natural plant community.
7. Disrupted plant community affects the food sources and habitats of various animals.
8. Reduction in food sources and habitats leads to changes in animal populations.
9. Changes in animal populations may affect the predator-prey relationships.
10. Reduced biodiversity and species imbalance may occur.
11. Changes in the forest structure and composition impact the overall ecosystem stability.
12. End

Please note that this is a simplified flowchart and there could be additional events and factors involved in a real forest ecosystem.