people who believe voting is important have high political ----c-c-


People who believe voting is important often have high political "efficacy." Political efficacy refers to the belief that one's political actions can make a difference and have an impact on the functioning of the government.

To determine the answer to your question, one could follow these steps:

1. Start by researching the concept of political efficacy and understanding what it represents. Political efficacy is a widely studied concept in political science and sociology, so there should be plenty of resources available.
2. Look for studies or surveys conducted on individuals' beliefs about voting and political efficacy. These studies often assess people's attitudes towards political participation, such as voting, and measure their levels of political efficacy.
3. Analyze the findings of these studies to identify any correlations or patterns. You might discover that people who believe voting is important tend to have higher levels of political efficacy compared to those who do not.
4. Additionally, it could be helpful to look at the arguments or justifications made by those who emphasize the importance of voting. Many people argue that voting is a fundamental way to exercise one's democratic rights and influence political decision-making, contributing to higher levels of political efficacy.

By following these steps, one can find evidence and explanations for the association between believing in the importance of voting and having high political efficacy.