how might life be different if static friction did not exist? give three examples and reference formulas to support your answers

I have three examples but I do not understand what the questions mean by reference formulas

If static friction did not exist, it would have significant consequences on various aspects of life. Here are three examples of how life might be different:

1. No Grip on Surfaces: Static friction allows objects to maintain grip on surfaces. Without it, walking would be extremely challenging as our shoes wouldn't be able to grip the ground. This lack of friction would also affect our ability to drive vehicles, as tires would not generate enough traction on the road to ensure control and stability.

The mathematical formula to calculate static friction is given by F_s ≤ μ_sN, where F_s represents the force of static friction, μ_s is the coefficient of static friction, and N is the normal force exerted perpendicular to the surface.

2. Difficulty in Lifting Objects: Static friction also plays a crucial role in lifting objects. If static friction didn't exist, objects on a table, for example, would slide off easily when trying to pick them up. This would make daily activities related to lifting and carrying objects significantly more challenging.

The formula for static friction is similar to the one mentioned earlier: F_s ≤ μ_sN, where F_s represents the force of static friction, μ_s is the coefficient of static friction, and N is the normal force exerted perpendicular to the surface.

3. Reduced Stability in Structures: Static friction is essential for maintaining stability in various structures. For instance, in architecture and engineering, buildings rely on static friction between their foundation and the ground to resist lateral forces, such as earthquakes. Without static friction, buildings would be much more vulnerable to collapse or shifting during seismic events.

Similar to the previous examples, the formula for static friction is F_s ≤ μ_sN, where F_s represents the force of static friction, μ_s is the coefficient of static friction, and N is the normal force exerted perpendicular to the surface.

By referencing the formulas, you can understand the mathematical relationship between the forces involved and how static friction affects various aspects of daily life.