I need a help regarding this. Compute and display the sum o 1st and 2nd number, Difference of sum and 3rd number, product of difference and 4th number, Quotient of product and 5th number using Eclipse Helios. My subject is OOP

sum12 = n1 + n2

diffs3 = sum12-n3
prodd4 = diffs3*n4
quotp5 = prodd4/n5

I think you can write the code to gather n1-n5 and display the values calculated above.

To compute and display the various calculations using Eclipse Helios, you will need to write a program in a programming language, such as Java, that utilizes Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

1. Open Eclipse Helios and create a new Java project. Name it something meaningful like "OOP_Calculations".

2. Inside the project, create a new Java class by right-clicking on the package where you want to create it, and select "New" > "Class". Name the class "Calculator".

3. Open the Calculator.java file in the Java editor and add the following code:

public class Calculator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Define the numbers
int num1 = 10;
int num2 = 5;
int num3 = 3;
int num4 = 2;
int num5 = 6;

// Calculate the sum of the first two numbers
int sum1And2 = num1 + num2;

// Calculate the difference between sum1And2 and the third number
int diffSum3 = sum1And2 - num3;

// Calculate the product of the difference and the fourth number
int prodDiff4 = diffSum3 * num4;

// Calculate the quotient of the product and the fifth number
int quotientProd5 = prodDiff4 / num5;

// Print the results
System.out.println("Sum of the first two numbers: " + sum1And2);
System.out.println("Difference of the sum and the third number: " + diffSum3);
System.out.println("Product of the difference and the fourth number: " + prodDiff4);
System.out.println("Quotient of the product and the fifth number: " + quotientProd5);

4. Save the file and run the program by right-clicking inside the Calculator.java file and selecting "Run As" > "Java Application".

5. The program will execute and display the results in the console.

Note: This example assumes you're comfortable with basic Java programming and how to run Java programs in Eclipse Helios. Feel free to modify the values of the variables (num1, num2, num3, num4, and num5) to suit your needs.

By following these steps, you can perform the calculations as described in your question and display the results using Eclipse Helios, within the context of an OOP program.