What form of pollution, if any, does each energy source cause?

How does the economy influence energy source choices?
How does location influence energy source choices?

Bruh it’s 2021 STILL NO ANSWER?!?!

om gosh damon salvator posted here in 2014 im changen my name to elena lol ;)

HI! Sorry I am about a year lat

e to answer

so am i actually im like accactly a year later than sarah almost like by a day

can someone please answer

wat is it?

dude that link doesn't work

What form of pollution, if any, does each energy source cause?

- Coal is a major part of pollution.

How does the economy influence energy source choices?
- It depends on how the economy is doing. If the economy is doing good then they buy better products. If the economy isn't doing o good then they buy cheap products. As a result, coal is the cheapest energy source. So, if more people buy coal then it creates more pollution.

How do location influence energy source choices?
- This is very relatable to answer 2. It just depends on how the economy is doing in different areas.


At this time, alternative energy sources are more expensive than traditional sources.

People who live in windy or sunny places can take more advantage of wind and solar energy. Hydroelectric power is efficient for people who can use fast moving waters.

and chloe we have the same name

This question would take all night to answer. I will just make a suggestion or two.

Just think about sources. Obviously burning carbon causes CO2 no matter what form the carbon takes (coal, diesel, gasoline, methane ..... ) Some create more problems than others, coal for example often makes a mess at the mine and natural gas may be extracted by fracking which can pollute water supplies.

If your economy is weak, you use the cheapest energy source, even if it pollutes

location is major. Wind needs a windy spot. Coal is cheapest near the source as is water power and certainly wave power.

Hey Guys!