The distance between the front wheels of a model car is 4.5 centimeters. What is the actual distance on the car if the scale is 1:24?

4.5 * 24 = ?


To find the actual distance between the front wheels of the model car, you need to apply the scale factor to the given measurement. The scale of 1:24 means that for every 1 unit on the model car, it represents 24 units in real life.

In this case, the given measurement is 4.5 centimeters, which is the measurement on the model car. To find the actual distance, you need to multiply this measurement by the scale factor.

Mathematically, you can calculate the actual distance using the formula:

Actual Distance = Measurement on Model Car × Scale Factor

Applying this formula to the given problem:

Actual Distance = 4.5 cm × 24

Now, you can calculate the actual distance:

Actual Distance = 108 cm

Therefore, the actual distance between the front wheels of the car is 108 centimeters.