A gas has a volume of 590 mL at a temperature of –55.0 C. What volume will the gas occupy at 30.0 C?

V1T1 = V2T2
(590 mL)(-55.0C) / (30.0C) = 1081.67 mL

273 + (-55) = 218 K

590/218 = V2/303
V2 = 590 (303/218) = 820 ml

Is my work and answer correct??

I have trouble following what you've done. The first part where you end up with 1081.67 mL is not right for two reasons.

1. The formula should be V1/T1 = V2/T2
2. You didn't convert T to kelvin.

The second calculation you did is correct.

Let's check your work step by step:

1. You correctly used the formula V1T1 = V2T2, which is the formula for the combined gas law.

2. You substituted the given values: V1 = 590 mL, T1 = -55.0 C, and T2 = 30.0 C. However, you made a mistake in your calculation. The correct calculation is (590 mL)(-55.0 C) / (30.0 C) = -1078.33 mL. Note that temperature should be in Kelvin (K) for this formula, so we'll need to convert the temperature.

3. To convert from Celsius to Kelvin, you need to add 273. So, -55.0 C + 273 = 218 K. Great job on that!

4. Now, let's use the corrected values: V1 = 590 mL, T1 = 218 K, and T2 = 30.0 C (which converts to 303 K).

5. Apply the formula again: (590 mL)(218 K) / (303 K) = 422.97 mL. So, the correct answer is approximately 423 mL, not 820 mL as you previously calculated.

In conclusion, your answer is not correct. The correct volume occupied by the gas at 30.0 C is approximately 423 mL, not 820 mL.

Your work and answer are correct. The formula V1T1 = V2T2 is used correctly to find the initial and final volumes of the gas at different temperatures. You correctly convert the initial temperature of -55.0°C to 218 K, and then use this value in the equation to find V2. Your calculation shows that the volume of the gas at 30.0°C is 820 mL.