Is 1/3 , 3/4 , 0.2 in order from least to greatest or is 5 1/8 , 5 1/4 , 5 2/3 in order from least to greatest?

The second set is in order from least to greatest.

If I spend 2/3 on a car then 2/3 on a boat and haveĀ£2000 left what did I start with

To determine the order from least to greatest, we need to compare the given numbers.

Let's start with the first set of numbers: 1/3, 3/4, and 0.2.

To compare fractions, it's helpful to have a common denominator. In this case, we can convert 1/3 to 4/12. Now we can compare the three numbers:

0.2 is equivalent to 2/10 and can be simplified to 1/5. Since 1/5 < 4/12, 0.2 is the smallest.

Next, we compare 1/5 and 3/4. To do this, we need to find a common denominator, which in this case is 20.

Converting 1/5 to have a denominator of 20 gives us 4/20. Now we can compare 4/20 and 15/20. Since 4/20 < 15/20, 1/5 is smaller than 3/4.

Therefore, the order from least to greatest for the first set is: 0.2, 1/3, 3/4.

Now let's move on to the second set of numbers: 5 1/8, 5 1/4, and 5 2/3.

To compare these mixed fractions, we need to convert them to improper fractions.

5 1/8 can be written as 41/8.

5 1/4 can be written as 21/4.

5 2/3 can be written as 17/3.

Now we compare the three improper fractions. Since 17/3 > 21/4 > 41/8, the order from least to greatest for the second set is: 5 1/8, 5 1/4, 5 2/3.

Therefore, the first set is ordered from least to greatest as: 0.2, 1/3, 3/4 and the second set is ordered from least to greatest as: 5 1/8, 5 1/4, 5 2/3.