DNA is copied by an enzyme called DNA (A) __________, and the process of copying DNA is called (B) __________.

The two new double-stranded DNA molecules have one strand from the original DNA molecule and one strand from the freshly assembled strand of nucleotides. This is referred to as (C) __________ replication.

I think the first answer is gene repair and I think the second answer is Polymerases replication and the third answer is DNA Replication am i correct

okay Thank you though

There is no single enzyme responsible for DNA duplication. But the most important ones are:

Helicase: it unwinds the DNA helix
RNA polymerase: adds the RNA primer
DNA polymerase: adds the complementary strand of DNA
Ligase: attaches the DNA fragments together

the process is officially called DNA replication. Depending on whether you are dealing with somatic cells or gametes, the sex cells of either egg or sperm, the process will then follow into mitosis or meiosis.

Renee was studying the process where DNA is copied so that dividing cells each get a full copy, but she was having some trouble keeping it all straight. She knew that DNA had to be unwound like a zipper in order to be copied. Once separated, each strand can be a template for a complementary strand. That way, each cell gets a DNA molecule with one original strand and one new.

DNA is copied by an enzyme called DNA (A) __________, and the process of copying DNA is called (B) __________.

The two new double-stranded DNA molecules have one strand from the original DNA molecule and one strand from the freshly assembled strand of nucleotides. This is referred to as (C) __________ replication.
the first answer is polymerase

A.) DNA Polymerase

B.) Replication
C.) Semi conservative

No, your answers are not correct. Allow me to explain the correct answers:

A) The enzyme responsible for copying DNA is called DNA polymerase. DNA polymerase catalyzes the addition of nucleotides to create a complementary strand of DNA during replication.

B) The process of copying DNA is called DNA replication. During DNA replication, the two strands of the original DNA molecule separate and each serves as a template for the synthesis of a new complementary strand.

C) The term for the replication process you described, where each of the two new DNA molecules contains one original strand and one newly synthesized strand, is known as semiconservative replication. This term was first coined by Watson and Crick, the scientists who discovered the structure of DNA.

So, to recap:

A) DNA polymerase is the enzyme responsible for copying DNA.
B) The process of copying DNA is called DNA replication.
C) The replication process you mentioned, with one original and one newly synthesized strand in each DNA molecule, is known as semiconservative replication.