4. Use of which of the following does not contribute carbon dioxide to the environment?

charcoal grill
bicycle*** --------------- 5. Why does buying food that is grown in your local area help prevent loss of biodiversity?
Local plants and animals are less apt to be endangered.
Local species require less energy to grow.
Reducing drilling for oil to supply transport fuel reduces the impact on many species.
Reducing the purchase of distant species means they are saved from being used for

I disagree with your second answer, but agree with your first answer.

thank you, and for 5 i have A and C on my mind, but i don't know.

5. C

To determine which of the following does not contribute carbon dioxide to the environment, let's analyze the options:

1. Refrigerator: Refrigerators do contribute to carbon dioxide emissions indirectly. They use electricity, which is often generated by burning fossil fuels, leading to carbon dioxide emissions.

2. Charcoal grill: Charcoal is made from burning wood, a process that releases carbon dioxide. So, charcoal grills do contribute to carbon dioxide emissions.

3. Computer: Computers also contribute to carbon dioxide emissions. The manufacturing process of computers, as well as the electricity they use, releases carbon dioxide.

4. Bicycle: Bicycles do not contribute carbon dioxide to the environment. They are powered by human energy, not fossil fuels, so there are no direct carbon dioxide emissions associated with them.

Therefore, the correct answer is the bicycle, as it does not contribute carbon dioxide to the environment.

Moving on to the next question: "Why does buying food that is grown in your local area help prevent loss of biodiversity?"

1. Local plants and animals are less apt to be endangered: When you buy locally grown food, it supports local farmers who prioritize environmental sustainability. They are more likely to use practices that protect local biodiversity and ecosystems.

2. Local species require less energy to grow: Transporting food over long distances often requires significant energy consumption, particularly for refrigeration and fuel. By choosing locally grown food, you reduce the energy demand associated with transportation, thereby reducing the overall ecological impact.

3. Reducing drilling for oil to supply transport fuel reduces the impact on many species: When food is transported over long distances, it often relies on fossil fuels for transportation, contributing to carbon emissions and habitat destruction. By eating locally, you reduce the demand for long-distance transportation, thus reducing the need for drilling and its negative impacts on wildlife and ecosystems.

4. Reducing the purchase of distant species means they are saved from being used for food: When you buy local food, you typically support local farmers who focus on sustainable farming practices. This reduces the demand for exotic and distant species, helping to protect them from overexploitation for food.

Therefore, the correct answer is reducing the purchase of distant species, as it means they are saved from being used for food, thereby helping prevent loss of biodiversity.