-2√62+38, how do I work it, please help asap!!

I have about 7 more questions I have to answer, and for me to answer them, I need to know how to work this one above. Please, I do not want to run out of time, and my lesson didn't explain how to do equations like this one. Thank you.

What is your question?

- 2 square root ( 62 )+ 38 = 38 - 2 square root ( 62 )=

2 * ( 19 - square root ( 62 ) )

So what?

Frist of all, you don't have an equation. Equations have equal signs (=). If you don't know how to find a square root, there might be a table in your textbook. Assuming you haves no typos:

-2√62+38 = -2(7.874) + 38 = -15.748 +38 = 22.252

38 - 2√62 ≠ 2(19-√62)


Can you explain how

38 - 2 square root ( 62 ) IS NOT EQUAL 2 * ( 19 - square root ( 62 ) )

To simplify the expression -2√62 + 38, we need to evaluate the square root of 62 and then perform the necessary arithmetic calculations.

1. Start by finding the square root of 62. Prime factorize 62 and simplify the square root if possible.
Prime factorization of 62: 2 × 31
Simplified square root: √(2² × 31) = 2√31

2. Substitute the simplified square root back into the original expression.
-2√62 + 38 = -2(2√31) + 38

3. Distribute the -2 to the terms inside the parentheses.
-2(2√31) + 38 = -4√31 + 38

That's the simplified form of the expression -2√62 + 38. So, the final answer is -4√31 + 38.