A fence encloses a rectangular field. The field is 4 meters longer that it is wide. The total length of the fence is 144 meters. What is the area in square meters of the enclosed field?


I have tried dividing but getting know where. :( Help with steps please?

What am I doing wrong? it throws me off when it says, 4 meters longer than it is wide.

144 = 2L + 2 w

L + w = 72

L = w + 4

w + 4 + w = 72
2 w = 68
w = 34
then L = 38

A = L * w = 38 * 34 = 1292

Thank you!! Damon. I really appreciate you guys being here. I am writing this in my notes. Thank you again.

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Define the variables.
Let's say the width of the field is 'w' meters. Since the length is 4 meters longer than the width, the length of the field would be 'w + 4' meters.

Step 2: Write the equation for the perimeter.
The perimeter of a rectangle is calculated by adding all four sides. In this case, we have two sides of width 'w' and two sides of length 'w + 4'. The total perimeter is given as 144 meters, so we can write the equation as follows:

2w + 2(w + 4) = 144

Step 3: Simplify the equation.
To simplify this equation, distribute the 2 to both 'w' and 'w + 4':

2w + 2w + 8 = 144

Combine like terms:

4w + 8 = 144

Step 4: Isolate the variable 'w'.
To isolate 'w', subtract 8 from both sides of the equation:

4w = 136

Then, divide both sides by 4:

w = 34

Step 5: Calculate the length of the field.
Since the length is 4 meters longer than the width, we substitute the value of 'w' into the equation:

Length = w + 4 = 34 + 4 = 38 meters

Step 6: Calculate the area of the field.
The area of a rectangle is calculated by multiplying the length and width. In this case, the width is 34 meters and the length is 38 meters:

Area = length × width = 34 × 38

Calculating this:

Area = 1292 square meters

Therefore, the area of the enclosed field is 1292 square meters, which matches option 3.