Jesse collected data on the colors of the coats his classmates wore one day in February. He started a circle graph. Which equation will give the angle measure of the section for black?

this is old and still no answers? R.I.P

To determine the angle measure of a section in a circle graph, also known as a pie chart, you need to know the total number of sections in the graph and the data associated with each section. In this case, Jesse collected data on the colors of the coats his classmates wore in February.

To find the angle measure of the section for black, you need to know the total number of different colors represented in the data. Once you have that information, you can use the concept of proportion to calculate the angle measure.

Assuming that the circle graph represents all the different colors of coats, and black is one color among others, let's consider the following details:
- Total number of color sections in the graph: N
- Number of sections for black: M

The equation to calculate the angle measure of the section for black would be:

Angle Measure of Black = (M / N) * 360 degrees

Here, (M / N) represents the proportion of the black section in relation to the total number of sections, and multiplying it by 360 gives the angle measure in degrees.

Therefore, the equation to find the angle measure of the section for black would be (M / N) * 360 degrees.