Noreen hates being left behind.

Find gerund phrase and tell if it is S, PN, DO, or OP

I think it it being left behind and it is either direct object or predicate nominative

Yes, "being left behind" is the gerund phrase. It's the direct object of the verb "hates."

The gerund phrase in the sentence is "being left behind." In this case, it is functioning as a predicate nominative (PN) because it renames or identifies the subject "Noreen" after the linking verb "hates."

To find the gerund phrase in the sentence "Noreen hates being left behind," we first need to understand what a gerund is. A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun and ends in -ing. In this sentence, the gerund phrase is "being left behind."

Now, let's determine its function in the sentence. The function of a gerund phrase can vary. It can act as a subject (S), predicate nominative (PN), direct object (DO), or object of a preposition (OP).

In this case, the gerund phrase "being left behind" is serving as the direct object of the verb "hates." Noreen hates what? Noreen hates being left behind. Therefore, "being left behind" functions as the direct object (DO) in this sentence.