Ammeter has 1/4 of fabric. She cuts it into 3 equal pieces. What fraction of a yard is each piece of fabric?

Is the answer 1/12. 1/4 multiplied by 1/3 is how I got that. Is that correct?

I would ask 1/4 what of fabric?

So is the answer 1/12yard, if she has 1/4 yard of fabric, and cuts it into 3 equal pieces?

To answer this question, we need to first find the fraction that represents 1/4 of a yard. Then, we will divide this fraction into 3 equal parts.

1/4 of a yard means that 1 yard is divided into 4 equal parts, and Ammeter has one of those parts. So, each part represents 1/4 of a yard.

Next, we need to divide this 1/4 of a yard into 3 equal pieces. To do that, we can use the concept of dividing fractions.

When dividing fractions, we can multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. In this case, the first fraction is 1/4, and the reciprocal of the second fraction (3) is 1/3.

So, to divide 1/4 by 3, we multiply 1/4 by 1/3:

(1/4) * (1/3) = 1/12

Therefore, each piece of fabric is 1/12 of a yard.

So, the answer is: Each piece of fabric is 1/12 of a yard.