An investment earning simple interest at a rate of 1.10% per annum for a term of 5 years earned $82.50 in interest. What was the principal?


82.5 = P * 0.011 * 5

82.5 = 0.055P

1,500 = P

To find the principal, we need to use the formula for calculating simple interest:

Simple Interest = Principal x Rate x Time

We are given that the rate is 1.10% per annum, which can be written as 0.011 in decimal form. The time is 5 years, and the interest earned is $82.50. Let's plug in these values into the formula:

82.50 = Principal x 0.011 x 5

To isolate the Principal, we divide both sides of the equation by (0.011 x 5):

82.50 / (0.011 x 5) = Principal

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

82.50 / 0.55 = Principal

Principal ≈ $150

To find the principal, we can use the formula for simple interest:

Simple Interest = (Principal * Rate * Time)

We are given the following information:

Simple Interest = $82.50
Rate = 1.10% per annum
Time = 5 years

Let's substitute these values into the formula and solve for the principal:

$82.50 = (Principal * 1.10% * 5)

To solve for the principal, we need to convert the interest rate from a percentage to a decimal:

1.10% = 0.011

Substituting this into the equation, we have:

$82.50 = (Principal * 0.011 * 5)

Now, we can solve for the principal by dividing both sides of the equation by (0.011 * 5):

$82.50 / (0.011 * 5) = Principal

Calculating this expression, we find:

$82.50 / 0.055 = Principal

Principal ≈ $1,500

Therefore, the principal amount was approximately $1,500.