Which literary movement consists of honest and open descriptions the setting and characters?

Are these your choices?

A. American Modernism
B. American Realism
C. American Romanticism
D. American Transcendentalism

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American realism

The literary movement that consists of honest and open descriptions of the setting and characters is called Realism. Realism emerged in the 19th century as a reaction against Romanticism, which tended to focus on idealized and fantastical elements of life. Instead, Realism aimed to accurately portray life as it is, often highlighting the gritty and mundane aspects of everyday existence.

To identify works of Realism, you can look for certain characteristics. Realistic literature often emphasizes precise detail and meticulous observation, providing objective descriptions of the physical and social environment. The characters in realistic works are typically drawn from everyday life, exhibiting complex personalities and motivations. They are portrayed with strengths, flaws, and fully developed backgrounds.

Furthermore, Realism often addresses social, economic, and political issues prevalent during the time it was written. It delves into topics such as class divisions, urbanization, industrialization, and societal changes. By presenting a truthful depiction of the world, Realism aimed to provide readers with a deeper understanding of the human condition and society.

Some notable authors associated with Realism include Gustave Flaubert, Leo Tolstoy, Honoré de Balzac, Mark Twain, and Émile Zola. Their works, such as "Madame Bovary," "War and Peace," "Eugénie Grandet," "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," and "Germinal," exemplify the realist approach to storytelling.