1. which event proved to European leaders that the policy of appeasement was not working?

a. Germany's attack on France
b. Germany's military alliance with Italy
c. the rise of Naziasm in Germany
d. germanys attack on Poland***

2. how did South Carolina respond to a US supreme court ruling that all-white primaries were unconstitutional?

a. South Carolina canceled primaries
b. South Carolina made primaries privately controlled
c. SC filed an appeal to have the decision reversed
d. SC continued to hold primaries of the supreme court

I don't know about number 2. HELP!?

What do you think the answers are?

Your first answer is correct.

I believe that b. is the answer for 2.


thank you so much!! (:

1. To determine which event proved to European leaders that the policy of appeasement was not working, we need to analyze the options provided.

a. Germany's attack on France: While this event demonstrated Germany's aggression, it did not directly prove that the policy of appeasement was ineffective.

b. Germany's military alliance with Italy: A military alliance between Germany and Italy suggests a growing threat, but it does not provide concrete evidence of the failure of appeasement.

c. The rise of Nazism in Germany: Although the rise of Nazism showcases the ideological danger posed by Germany, it does not directly show that appeasement was unsuccessful.

d. Germany's attack on Poland: This event is the correct answer. Germany's invasion of Poland in 1939 triggered the outbreak of World War II. It was instrumental in demonstrating to European leaders, particularly those who had previously pursued appeasement policies towards Germany, that their strategies had failed to prevent aggressive actions by Germany.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. Germany's attack on Poland.

2. Regarding how South Carolina responded to a US Supreme Court ruling that all-white primaries were unconstitutional, let's analyze the options provided:

a. South Carolina canceled primaries: This option suggests that South Carolina chose to discontinue primaries altogether after the Court's ruling. However, this is not a likely response.

b. South Carolina made primaries privately controlled: While this option could have been a way to maintain control over the primary process, it is not a historically accurate response.

c. SC filed an appeal to have the decision reversed: This option suggests that South Carolina attempted to challenge the Supreme Court ruling by filing an appeal. This is a possible response, but it may not provide the complete answer.

d. SC continued to hold primaries despite the Supreme Court ruling: This option implies that South Carolina disregarded the Court's ruling and continued conducting all-white primaries. This is the most accurate response based on historical facts.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. SC continued to hold primaries despite the Supreme Court ruling.

If you are unsure about a question, it's always helpful to conduct further research or consult reliable sources to confirm the answer.