How do you factor "0 = x^4 - 6x^2 + 5"? Please show all steps.

Here's my work, but I just went around in circles.....

0 = x^4 - 6x^2 + 5
-5 = x^4 - 6x^2
-5 = x^2 (x^2 - 6)
-5 / x^2 = x^2 - 6
(-5 / x^2) + 6 = x^2
(-5 + 6x^2) / (x^2) = x^2
-5 + 6x^2 = x^2 * x^2
-5 + 6x^2 = x^4
0 - x^4 - 6x^2 + 5

NO, you have not factored anything at all

x^4 - 6x^2 + 5 = 0
(x^2 - 1)(x^2 - 5) = 0
(x-1)(x+1)x^2 - 5) = 0 if you factor over the rationals

(x-1)(x+1)x-√5)(x+√5) = 0 if you factor over the reals

start by treating the problem like it is a quadratic. Let u = x^2

u^2 - 6u + 5

Factors as: (u-5)(u-1)

(x^2 -5)(x^2 -1) =0

Whenever there is = 0, Normally, you have to solve for x and not stop at the factoring step.

Set each factor = to zero.
(x^2-5)=0 or (x^2 - 1) = 0
x^2 = 5 or x^2 = 1
x = square root of 5 divided by 2
x = minus the square root of 5 divided by 2
x = 1
x = -1

Factoring a polynomial involves finding its roots or zeros, which are the values of the variable that make the equation equal to zero. In this case, we have the equation 0 = x^4 - 6x^2 + 5.

To factor this equation, let's start by rearranging the terms:

x^4 - 6x^2 + 5 = 0

Now, we can try factoring this equation by recognizing that it resembles a quadratic equation in terms of x^2. Let's substitute a new variable, let's say y, to represent x^2:

y^2 - 6y + 5 = 0

Next, let's factor this quadratic equation:

(y - 5)(y - 1) = 0

Now, we substitute back the original variable:

(x^2 - 5)(x^2 - 1) = 0

Finally, let's factor each binomial:

(x - √5)(x + √5)(x - 1)(x + 1) = 0

So, the factored form of the equation 0 = x^4 - 6x^2 + 5 is:
(x - √5)(x + √5)(x - 1)(x + 1) = 0

Therefore, the roots or zeros of the polynomial are: x = √5, x = -√5, x = 1, and x = -1.