how to remember the difference between dependent and independent variable and which one is X n Y ?

for example mother age and no of we want to know which one is dependent or independent and which one is x or y to draw the scatter plot

An independent variable is the potential stimulus or cause, usually directly manipulated by the experimenter, so it could also be called a manipulative variable.

A dependent variable is the response or measure of results.

Would you say that mother's age might cause number of children or number of children causes the mother's age?

Independent variable typically goes on ordinate (y-axis) and dependent variable on the abscissa (x-axis).

for first column show the mother age with the value 18,22,29,20,27,32,33,36

and the second column show the no of children with the value 2,1,3,1,2,4,3,5

and question ask to find independent and dependent variables.

that why i ask how to difference between dependent n independent

To remember the difference between dependent and independent variables, it can be helpful to think of them in the context of a cause and effect relationship. The independent variable is the one that you, as the experimenter, manipulate or control. It is the variable that you believe has an effect on the dependent variable. The dependent variable, on the other hand, is the variable that you measure or observe in response to changes in the independent variable. It is the variable that you expect to be influenced by the independent variable.

To determine whether X (independent variable) and Y (dependent variable), it depends on the specific context of your study or experiment. In many scientific studies, the convention is to designate the independent variable as X and the dependent variable as Y. However, it's important to note that this convention is not always followed. In some cases, Y can be used to represent the independent variable and X can represent the dependent variable.

To avoid confusion, it is always a good practice to clearly define and label the variables in your study or experiment. By doing so, you can ensure that you and others understand the roles and relationships between the variables.