How much is one cola?

Use the clues to find out.
-The cost is between 20€ and 30€
-You can buy one cola with exactly 6 coins.
-You can buy two colas with exactly 6 coins.
-You can buy three colas with exactly 6 coins.
-You can use pennies, nickels, dimes, or quarters.

Thanks for help.

Do you mean the cost is between 20 and 30 cents?


Does this work?

1 cola for 2 dimes and 4 pennies?


How is your work?

To find out how much one cola costs, we need to use the clues given.

First, let's consider the fact that you can buy one cola with exactly 6 coins. This means that the total value of the coins used must be equal to the cost of one cola.

Next, we have the clue that you can buy two colas with exactly 6 coins. This suggests that the total value of the coins used for two colas is the same as the cost of one cola.

Similarly, the clues about being able to buy three colas with exactly 6 coins indicate that the total value of the coins used for three colas is the same as the cost of one cola.

Now, let's try to find a combination of coins that satisfies these conditions. We can use pennies (worth 1 cent), nickels (worth 5 cents), dimes (worth 10 cents), and quarters (worth 25 cents).

If we consider that the cost of one cola is the same as the total value of 6 coins, and we have to use a combination of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, we can try different combinations to see if any works.

Starting with the lowest possible value, if we use 6 pennies (6 cents), we can see that it does not reach the required cost of 20-30€.

Next, we can try using 4 pennies (4 cents) and 1 nickel (5 cents). This combination totals 9 cents, which is still not within the given price range.

Moving on, let's try using 4 dimes (40 cents) and 2 nickels (10 cents). This combination totals 50 cents, which is too high for the given price range.

Lastly, let's try using 1 quarter (25 cents) and 1 dime (10 cents). This combination totals 35 cents, which is still not within the given price range.

Based on the information provided, it seems that there is no combination of coins that satisfies the clues and falls within the price range of 20-30€. Therefore, we cannot determine the exact price of one cola with the given clues.

However, it is worth noting that the clues provided might be contradictory or incomplete. Double-checking the information or seeking clarification from the source that gave the clues could help to resolve any inconsistencies and find the exact price of one cola.