The era of one-oarty domination that began in 1968 was different from past eras of one-party domination because

a. the Republican party gained no new members in Congress.

b. the Democratic party gained no new members in Congress.

c. one party controlled Congress while the other controlled the presidency.

c. minor parties interferred with the power of the Republican party.

I am confused.,_1968

All of the information is readily available on the web.

To answer the question, we need to understand the concept of one-party domination and how it was different in the era that began in 1968.

One-party domination refers to a period of time where one political party has significant control and influence over the government. In this case, the question is asking about the era that began in 1968.

To find the answer, we can use the provided links to look for information about the political landscape during that time. The first link is about the U.S. presidential election in 1968, while the second link is about the United States House election in 1968.

By clicking on the first link and scrolling through the information, we can learn about the candidates and parties involved in the presidential election. Additionally, we can look for any mention of one-party domination or the control of Congress and the presidency by one party.

Similarly, by clicking on the second link, we can find information about the House election in 1968, including the parties and their level of influence in Congress.

By reviewing the information from these sources, we can determine which statement accurately describes the era of one-party domination that began in 1968. It may be helpful to read about the political parties involved, their representation in Congress, and their control over the presidency during that time period.

Remember, as an AI, I'm not able to directly access the internet or click on links. But by following the steps I outlined, you should be able to find the answer to your question.