Reggie knows the length and width of a rectangle. How can he find the perimeter of the rectangle

Perimeter = 2 times the length plus two times the width.

The perimeter is the sum of the measurements of all of the sides.

To find the perimeter of a rectangle, Reggie needs to know the length and width of the rectangle.

1. First, he needs to add the length and width together, which will give him the sum of two sides of the rectangle. Let's say the length is L and the width is W.
Perimeter = Length + Width

2. Once he has the sum of two sides, he needs to multiply this by 2 to account for the other two sides of the rectangle. Since rectangles have opposite sides that are equal, multiplying the sum by 2 will give him the total perimeter.
Perimeter = (Length + Width) * 2

3. After performing the calculation, Reggie will have the perimeter of the rectangle, which represents the total distance around the shape.