With respect to the media's role in the

political process, which of the following statements is true?

A. The media fulfills an evaluative
function by helping voters judge
candidates in terms of character
and competence.

B. Most politicians do not view the
role of the media as important
and they primarily rely on their
campaign staffs to communicate
directly with the voters.

C. The media is not as important as
party organizations when it comes
to influencing voter opinion
before primaries.

D. The pervasiveness of radio and
television makes the media an
ineffective tool for politicians
because information overload
creates confusion for most voters.

I am thinking either B OR D to be True.
Can you please help?

B is silly, and D is more so. What is wrong with A? I remember Barry Goldwater standing on the airplane ramp stating his idea to defoliate the
Cambodian Border with nuclear weapons, and the next night on NBC news he is saying he didn't say that. He must have thought we were idiots.

Based on your statement about Barry Goldwater's inconsistent statements being reported by the media, it seems like option A might indeed be true. The media plays a critical role in the political process by fulfilling an evaluative function, helping voters judge candidates in terms of their character and competence. In the example you provided, the media exposed the inconsistency in Goldwater's statements, allowing voters to make informed judgments about his credibility.

Option B, which states that most politicians do not view the role of the media as important, is not an accurate representation of the media's role in the political process. Politicians typically recognize the media's significance and actively engage with it to shape public perception and communicate their messages.

Option C is not accurate either. While party organizations can influence voter opinion, the media plays a substantial role in shaping public discourse and informing voters, especially before primaries.

Option D suggests that the media is an ineffective tool for politicians due to information overload. However, the media, including radio and television, can reach a wide audience and have a significant impact on public opinion. While it is possible for voters to experience information overload, it does not render the media ineffective for politicians.

Based on the provided information, the most suitable answer would be option A, as it correctly reflects the role of the media in helping voters judge candidates in terms of character and competence.