How many nonbonding electron pairs are in an oxygen molecule?

I drew it but im unsure if Im correct in saying it has 2 nonbonding electron pairs.

I believe it has 4 non-bonding electrons. The two (paired) in the 2s and the two (paired) in the 2p.

To determine the number of nonbonding electron pairs in an oxygen molecule, we need to consider its Lewis structure.

The Lewis structure of an oxygen molecule (O₂) consists of a double bond between the two oxygen atoms. Each oxygen atom also has two lone pairs of electrons.

So, in total, there are two nonbonding electron pairs in an oxygen molecule. Therefore, your answer of 2 nonbonding electron pairs is correct.

To determine the number of nonbonding electron pairs in an oxygen molecule (O2), you need to consider its Lewis structure. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Write the electron configuration of an oxygen atom: 1s² 2s² 2p⁴.

2. Oxygen needs to gain two additional electrons to fulfill the octet rule and form a stable molecule. Since there are two oxygen atoms in an oxygen molecule (O2), the total number of valence electrons is 2 × 6 = 12.

3. Connect the two oxygen atoms in a double bond, which involves sharing four electrons (two from each oxygen).

The Lewis structure of oxygen molecule (O2) looks like this: O=O, where the "=" represents the double bond.

4. Distribute the remaining four electrons (valence electrons - bond electrons) around each oxygen atom, ensuring that each atom satisfies the octet rule (except hydrogen, which follows the duet rule).

In the case of O2, both oxygen atoms have two nonbonding electron pairs, which are the lone pairs that are not involved in bonding.

So, your statement that an oxygen molecule (O2) has 2 nonbonding electron pairs is correct.

The bonding is 2

Non-bonding 12