a rocket is fired upward from some initial distance above the ground. Its height in feet, h,above the ground, t seconds after it is fired, is given by h=-16t^2+32t+560.

whats the question?

What is the rockets max height? ___ ft

How Long does it take for the rocket to reach its maximum height?
t=___ sec

After its fired the rockets reaches the ground at ? t=___ sec

max height when t = 1

h(1) = 576
-16t^2+32t+560 = 0 when t = 7

To find the height of the rocket at a specific time, you can substitute the given time value into the equation h = -16t^2 + 32t + 560.

For example, if you want to find the height of the rocket after 5 seconds, you would substitute t = 5 into the equation:
h = -16(5)^2 + 32(5) + 560
Now, let's do the calculations:
h = -16(25) + 160 + 560
h = -400 + 160 + 560
h = 360 + 560
h = 920
Therefore, the height of the rocket 5 seconds after it is fired is 920 feet.

You can repeat this process with different time values to find the height of the rocket at any specific time. Just substitute the desired time into the equation and solve for h.