Rectangular Prism:

Length: 41 ft
Width: 32 ft
Height: 49 ft

1. Find the surface area for the given prism. (1 point)
7,154 ft^2
2,624 ft^2
9,778 ft^2
8,432 ft^2.

Find the volume of the same prism. (1 point)
64,288 ft^3
31,312 ft^3
32,009 ft^3
323,208 ft^3

i know the formulas for surface area and volume and everything but i keep getting wrong answers and i don't know why or what to do.
pls help asap!!!!!
thanx in advance

the answers to the practice test of Unit 2 are


for connexus its


trust me just took it and these are the answers.

Just took test on connexus...

JAZZZMIN is correct 100%
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B

So, there are two different assessments being talked about here, one for a practice and one for a quick check. The practice has 6 questions while the quick check has 5. Know which one you are taking you so you don’t get answers wrong when checking your assessment ☺️

These are the correct answers for the PRACTICE assessment, NOT the Quick Check! I’ll also provide the formulas for each calculation so you can got them down in your math notebook for future use! 💕

1: Find the surface area for the given prism.
A: 9,778 ft^2

Step 1: l * w, l * h, w * h.

For this particular prism this will mean:
41 * 32, 41 * 49, 32 * 49, which will equal

1,312, 2,009, and 1,568

Step 2: 2(?) + 2(?) + 2(?)

This means:

2(1,312) + 2(2,009) + 2(1,568) = 9,778 ft^2

2: Find the volume of the same prism.
A: 64,288f ft^3

Formula: l * w * h

It’s really easy, just multiply 41 * 32 * 49 = 64,288 ft^3

3: Find the surface area for the given cylinder.
A: 1,130 yd^2

Formula: 2 πrh + 2 πr^2

This particular question actually asks that you substitute 3.14 for π, but I like to just use π for multiple choice questions anyway. This formula is also really easy to use, I promise!

2 π6*24 + 2 π6^2 = 1,130.973… so just round down to 1,130 😄

Cylinders are the easiest 3D shape to work with. The cool thing about these formulas is that you just plug in the numbers and enter into your calculator (Connexus students use Desmos Graphing Calculator) and there’s your answer!

4: Find the volume for the given cylinder.
A: 2,713 yd^3

Formula: πr^2 * h

π6^2 * 24 = 2,714.336… this is a bit different, but that’s because I used π instead of 3.14. It is obviously closest to 2,713 of all the options so that’s your answer!

5: Find the surface area for a square pyramid with a length of 5 cm and a slant height of 8 cm.
A: 105 cm^2

Step 1. Calculate the area of the base. Since the base is a square, this is really easy. You do this using the length measurement of 5, and multiplying it.

5 * 5 = 25 <- The area of your base

Now you will calculate the area of one of the triangular sides, it is easier to see this if you have a net of the shape. If you aren’t provided one it’s really easy to draw one yourself if you are a visual learner like me!

Step 2. 1/2 * bh

1/2 * 5 * 8 = 20

Step 3. Add them all together! But it’s easier to multiply this, because wait, you have FOUR triangular sides, not just one, so you can’t just add
20 + 25 and be done!

20 * 4 + 25 = 105 cm^2

Last one! 😅

6. Find the volume of a cone with a radius if 5 ft and a height of 12 ft.
A: 314 ft^3

Formula: 1/3 πr^2 * h

1/3 π5^2 * 12 = 314.159… just round down to 314 😊

I hope this helps those of you who have difficulty with the formulas and that it clears out what answers are right for which assignment!
Have a wonderful day lovelies 💕

jazzzmin is correct

JAZZZMIN is correct 100%

1. C
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B

kattieeee is wrong its bb for the last 2

girth = 2(32+49) = 162

times length 41 = 6642 ft^2

base area = 32*41 = 1312
times height = 64288 ft^3

Why on earth do you need a formula? Draw a picture.

Ok thanx 4 the 2nd one Damon:)

can u help me with the 1st one pls??

Um is this for connexus?

100% Correct


wow is correct

Lightning cat is 100%% correct for the practice

Kattieeee is 100% correct for Connexus

as of 2023 its

1. 664 in

2. 1092 cm

3. 433 ft

4. 144 yd

5. 200cm