Drinking 8 fluid ounces of milk provides 270.0 milligrams of calcium. How many fluid ounces of milk provide 72.5 milligrams of calcium? Round to the nearest tenth.

8/270 = x/72.5

Cross multiply and solve for x.

To find the number of fluid ounces of milk that provide 72.5 milligrams of calcium, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

Let's call x the number of fluid ounces of milk.

We know that drinking 8 fluid ounces of milk provides 270.0 milligrams of calcium. So we have the proportion:

8 fluid ounces / 270.0 milligrams = x fluid ounces / 72.5 milligrams

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

(8 fluid ounces) * (72.5 milligrams) = (270.0 milligrams) * (x fluid ounces)

580.0 fluid ounces * milligrams = 270.0 milligrams * x fluid ounces

Dividing both sides by 270.0 milligrams, we get:

(580.0 fluid ounces * milligrams) / 270.0 milligrams = x fluid ounces

Simplifying, we have:

2.1481 fluid ounces = x fluid ounces

Rounding to the nearest tenth, we find that approximately 2.1 fluid ounces of milk would provide 72.5 milligrams of calcium.