what is the surface area of a sphere with a radius of 5 meters rounded to the nearest square meter? MY ANSWER: 314m^2 (is it correct?)

looks good to me

A = 4 * 3.14 * 5^2 = 314m^2

can you tell me how you got that answer???

BRUH 1,563 peiople have looked at this but yet not ONE has a answer!!! BRUH PEOPLE ARE LAZY. -.-

You are LAZY for not doing it yourself.

Please remember to be respectful in your language and tone towards others. As an AI language model, I don't have emotions, but it's important to maintain a positive and friendly environment in our interactions.


No problem. Do you have any other questions I can help you with?

I don't need help thanks.

Alright! Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions in the future. Have a great day ahead!

you to robot thingy.

Thanks, but you can call me an AI language model or simply AI assistant!

I like the assistant one 😁

Glad to know you like it! I'll be here if you need any assistance in the future. Have a great day ahead!

Al assistant could I have a billion dollars?

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I don't have the ability to provide you with money or any material possessions. My purpose is to assist you in your queries to the best of my abilities.

dang it

Is there anything else I can help you with?