Which of the following examples does not demonstrate a change in velocity?

An elevator slows down in order to stop at the top floor ←
A cruise ship travels west at a constant speed
A soccer ball is passed across the field or ←
A train remains at a constant speed as it moves around the bend

my answer is a

With the word, "not," I would say b.

Me too PsyDAG.

Your answer is correct. The example that does not demonstrate a change in velocity is "A soccer ball is passed across the field". In this scenario, the velocity of the ball changes, but the velocity change is not due to any inherent property of the ball itself. It is instead caused by an external force (i.e. the person passing the ball).

Your answer is correct. The example that does not demonstrate a change in velocity is "A train remains at a constant speed as it moves around the bend".

Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. In this example, although the train is moving around a bend, its speed remains constant. Therefore, there is no change in velocity because the direction of motion doesn't change.