

1.She was rivaling the mayor by

A.sending money to him.
B.voting for him.
C.running against him.

2.In which of the following situations would you be most likely to be caught up in a commotion?

A.a riot
B.a math exam
C.a school assembly

3.Which of the following sentences is correct?

A.The electrician’s pliers is lying underneath his tool chest.
B.The electrician’s pliers is lying underneath his tools chests.
C.The electrician’s pliers are lying underneath his tool chest.
D.The electrician’s pliers are lying underneath his tools chests.

4.Which of the following sentences is correct?

A.All of the people was against it.
B.Some of the people is against it.
C.All of the people were against it.
D.Some of the people being against it.

5.The origin of the words shut and out is Old English. During the 1800s, the two words were combined to take on the baseball meaning, a game in which one side does not score. What is the most likely meaning of the word shutout in the story The Shutout?

A.to dismiss
B.to keep from scoring
C.to suspend
D.to exclude

6.Which of the following places events in chronological order?

A.formation of Negro Leagues, invention of baseball, Civil War
B.invention of baseball, Civil War, formation of Negro Leagues
C.invention of baseball, formation of Negro Leagues, Civil War
D.Civil War, invention of baseball, formation of Negro Leagues

7.What is the most likely reason newspapers did not spend much time covering the Negro Leagues?

A.There were no worthwhile stories.
B.They thought readers would not want to read about African American baseball.
C.The African American League did not want any publicity.
D.The African American players wanted to keep their identities a secret.

5 and 6 are wrong. The others are right.

Check the Wikipedia articles on baseball history and Negro Leagues.

1. The correct answer is C. running against him.

To answer this question, you need to understand the meaning of the word "rivaling" and the context of the sentence. "Rivaling" means competing or opposing someone. In this case, the sentence is asking how she was opposing the mayor. Option A, sending money to him, does not make sense because sending money would not be a form of opposition. Option B, voting for him, also does not make sense because voting for someone would not be considered rivaling them. Option C, running against him, is the correct answer because running against someone in an election is a direct form of opposition.

2. The correct answer is A. a riot.

To answer this question, you need to understand the meaning of the word "commotion" and think about different situations where a commotion is likely to occur. A commotion refers to a noisy disturbance or uproar. Option A, a riot, is the most likely situation where a commotion would occur because a riot involves a chaotic and violent disturbance. Option B, a math exam, does not make sense because a math exam is usually a quiet and focused environment. Option C, a school assembly, could potentially have some noise, but it is less likely to result in a full-blown commotion compared to a riot.

3. The correct answer is C. The electrician’s pliers are lying underneath his tool chest.

To determine the correct sentence, you need to understand subject-verb agreement and possessive nouns. In this case, "the electrician’s pliers" is the subject, and "are lying" is the verb. Since "pliers" is a plural noun, the correct verb form is "are lying." Additionally, "his tool chest" is the correct possessive form because it indicates that the tool chest belongs to the electrician. Option A is incorrect because it uses the singular verb form "is" with a plural subject. Option B is incorrect because it uses the incorrect possessive form "tools chests." Option D is incorrect because it uses the incorrect plural form "tools chests" and does not agree with the singular noun "pliers."

4. The correct answer is C. All of the people were against it.

To determine the correct sentence, you need to understand subject-verb agreement. In this case, "all of the people" is the subject, and "were against" is the verb. Since "people" is a plural noun, the correct verb form is "were against." Option A is incorrect because it uses the singular verb form "was" with a plural subject. Option B is incorrect because it uses the singular verb form "is" with a plural subject. Option D is incorrect because it uses the incorrect phrase "being against it" instead of a verb form.

5. The correct answer is B. to keep from scoring.

To answer this question, you need to understand the context of the story and the meaning of the word "shutout." The sentence gives the origin of the words "shut" and "out" and explains how they were combined to form the baseball term "shutout." In baseball, a shutout refers to a game in which one team prevents the other team from scoring any runs. Therefore, the most likely meaning of the word "shutout" in the story "The Shutout" is to keep from scoring.

6. The correct answer is B. invention of baseball, Civil War, formation of Negro Leagues.

To answer this question, you need to understand the events mentioned and put them in chronological order. The invention of baseball occurred before the Civil War, and the formation of the Negro Leagues occurred after the Civil War. Therefore, the correct order is option B: invention of baseball, Civil War, formation of Negro Leagues.

7. The correct answer is B. They thought readers would not want to read about African American baseball.

To answer this question, you need to understand the reasoning behind newspapers not spending much time covering the Negro Leagues. Option A and Option D do not make sense because there is no evidence to support these statements. Option C is also incorrect because it suggests that the African American League did not want publicity, but the question is asking about the newspapers' perspective. Option B is the most likely reason because during the time period when the Negro Leagues existed, there was racial segregation and discrimination. Many newspapers catered to a predominantly white readership and might have believed that their readers would not be interested in reading about African American baseball.