Jack bought a sweater at the sale price of $25. The original cost of the sweater was $40. What percent represents the discount that he received when buying the sweater?

$15 discount

15/40 = 37.5%

To find the percentage discount that Jack received when buying the sweater, we need to determine the difference between the original price and the sale price, and then calculate that difference as a percentage of the original price.

Step 1: Calculate the difference between the original price and the sale price.
Original price - Sale price = $40 - $25 = $15

Step 2: Calculate the percentage by dividing the difference by the original price and multiplying by 100.
Percentage discount = (Difference / Original price) * 100
= ($15 / $40) * 100
= 0.375 * 100
= 37.5%

Therefore, Jack received a discount of 37.5% when buying the sweater.