What is the most likely reason the author wrote " Eagle's Flight "

Is this it?

"The Eagle's Flight

For the hunter’s fright, Eagle’s talons command,
While the Eagle’s heights abound the flight.
For the hunter’s smile, the Eagle’s pasts remind;
In Eagle’s might, smiles the hunter’s fright.

The Eagle could not; all its commands keep held,
If the Eagle’s hunter too wore some talons,
For its smiles forever come to mock the foe fled,
In scared hunters, since times ago in ages.

For to the mighty Eagle, talons are rewarding,
In the flights high, talons well persevere,
And in the Eagle’s shadows cast, its will to spring
More ladders, the Eagle to shove higher.

The Eagle’s talons will not for a day go blunt,
For its scratches will them, keep sharp,
And the broken ones, victims will surely meant
While witnesses will be playing the harp."

June 2003
Ben Banda


Then I don't know to which work you're referring.

To determine the most likely reason why the author wrote "Eagle's Flight," we can consider a few factors.

1. Genre and Purpose: Start by identifying the genre of the book. Is it a historical fiction, thriller, romance, or something else? This can give us insight into the author's intentions. If it's historical fiction, for example, the author may have wanted to shed light on a specific historical event or era.

2. Author's Background: Research the author's background and previous works. This can provide clues about their interests or expertise. For instance, if the author has written extensively about wildlife or nature, it's possible that "Eagle's Flight" focuses on these themes.

3. Audience or Target Market: Consider who the book is intended for. Is it meant for young adults, mystery enthusiasts, or fans of a specific genre? Knowing the target audience can help determine the purpose behind writing the book. For instance, if the target audience is young adults, the author may have wanted to explore themes of independence or self-discovery.

4. Author's Inspiration: Try to find interviews or statements from the author about what inspired them to write "Eagle's Flight." This can provide direct insight into their motivations. It could be a personal experience, a fascination with a particular subject, or a desire to address a specific social issue.

By combining these factors and conducting some research, you should get a better understanding of the most likely reason why the author wrote "Eagle's Flight." Remember, every author is unique, so this process may require some specific investigation into the author's background and intentions.