M1 is a spherical mass (38.6 kg) at the origin. M2 is also a spherical mass (10.3 kg) and is located on the x-axis at x = 59.8 m. At what value of x would a third mass with a 20.0 kg mass experience no net gravitational force due to M1 and M2?

To find the value of x at which a third mass with a 20.0 kg mass would experience no net gravitational force due to M1 and M2, we can use the principle of gravitational equilibrium.

The gravitational force between two masses can be calculated using the equation:

F = G * (m1 * m2) / r^2

where F is the gravitational force, G is the gravitational constant (approximately 6.67430 × 10^-11 N m^2/kg^2), m1 and m2 are the masses, and r is the distance between the masses.

In this case, we want to find the value of x at which the net gravitational force on the third mass due to M1 and M2 is zero.

Let's perform the calculation step by step:

Step 1: Calculate the gravitational force exerted on the third mass by M1.

F1 = G * (m1 * m3) / r1^2

where m3 is the mass of the third mass and r1 is the distance between M1 and the third mass. Since M1 is at the origin, r1 is simply x.

F1 = G * (m1 * m3) / x^2

Step 2: Calculate the gravitational force exerted on the third mass by M2.

F2 = G * (m2 * m3) / r2^2

where r2 is the distance between M2 and the third mass. Since M2 is on the x-axis at x = 59.8 m, r2 can be calculated as:

r2 = x - 59.8

F2 = G * (m2 * m3) / (x - 59.8)^2

Step 3: Set up the equation for gravitational equilibrium.

In gravitational equilibrium, the net gravitational force on the third mass is zero. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

F1 + F2 = 0

G * (m1 * m3) / x^2 + G * (m2 * m3) / (x - 59.8)^2 = 0

Step 4: Solve the equation for x.

To solve this equation, we can multiply both sides by x^2 * (x - 59.8)^2 to get rid of the denominators:

G * (m1 * m3) * (x - 59.8)^2 + G * (m2 * m3) * x^2 = 0

Expanding and rearranging the equation:

(m1 * m3) * (x - 59.8)^2 + (m2 * m3) * x^2 = 0

Expanding further and collecting like terms:

(m1 * m3) * (x^2 - 119.6x + 59.8^2) + (m2 * m3) * x^2 = 0

(m1 * m3 + m2 * m3) * x^2 - 119.6 * (m1 * m3) * x + (m1 * m3) * 59.8^2 = 0

Since we know the values of m1, m2, m3, and x, we can substitute them into the equation and solve for x.