14. Deciduous trees are trees that shed their leaves. Maple trees are deciduous trees. Therefore, maple trees will shed their leaves at some point during the growing season. (Points : 1)

A. Deductive
B. Inductive


The argument presented here is an example of deductive reasoning.

Deductive reasoning is a type of logical reasoning that moves from general premises to a specific conclusion. In this case, the general premise is that deciduous trees shed their leaves. The specific premise is that maple trees are deciduous trees. Based on these premises, the deductive reasoning leads to the conclusion that maple trees will shed their leaves at some point during the growing season.

To further explain, deductive reasoning typically uses a syllogism, which is a logical structure that consists of two premises and a conclusion. In this case, the syllogism is:

Premise 1: Deciduous trees shed their leaves.
Premise 2: Maple trees are deciduous trees.
Conclusion: Therefore, maple trees will shed their leaves at some point during the growing season.

By applying deductive reasoning, we can make a valid and sound conclusion based on the given premises. Therefore, the argument presented here is an example of deductive reasoning.