Rank the following in terms of increasing ox- ide acidity.

1. Na2O, CO2, NO2
2. CO2, NO2, Na2O
3. NO2, CO2, Na2O
4. CO2, Na2O, NO2

1. Na2O, CO2, NO2

This is because Metal oxides form a strong base, and are therefor very weak acids. This means that this is the only viable option. Hope this helps!
By the way, I know this is right because I put this answer in my homework just know and got it right.

To rank the given substances in terms of increasing oxide acidity, we need to analyze their acidity based on their behavior with water.

1. Na2O: Sodium oxide (Na2O) reacts with water (H2O) to form sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Since NaOH is a strong base, it does not exhibit acidic properties. Therefore, Na2O is the least acidic.

2. CO2: Carbon dioxide (CO2) reacts with water (H2O) to form carbonic acid (H2CO3) through the following reaction: CO2 + H2O → H2CO3. Carbonic acid is a weak acid, so CO2 is more acidic than Na2O.

3. NO2: Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a gas composed of nitrogen and oxygen. It does not directly react with water, but it can dissolve in water to form nitric acid (HNO3). Nitric acid is a strong acid, so NO2 is more acidic than CO2.

4. Therefore, the correct ranking in terms of increasing oxide acidity is: CO2, NO2, Na2O.

To rank the compounds in terms of increasing oxide acidity, we need to consider the relative strength of their acidic properties. The acidity of an oxide is determined by how easily it donates a proton (H+) when dissolved in water.

To analyze the oxide acidity, we consider the elements present in each compound. When oxygen combines with metals, it forms basic oxides, which are less acidic. On the other hand, when oxygen combines with nonmetals, it forms acidic oxides, which are more acidic.

Let's go through each compound and determine their relative acidic properties:

1. Na2O:
Na2O is derived from sodium, which is a metal. Metal oxides tend to be basic rather than acidic. Therefore, Na2O is the least acidic compound among the options.

2. CO2:
CO2 is formed by combining carbon and oxygen, both of which are nonmetals. Carbon dioxide is classified as an acidic oxide because it can react with water to form carbonic acid, H2CO3. Therefore, CO2 is more acidic than Na2O.

3. NO2:
NO2 is formed by combining nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen is a nonmetal, so NO2 can be classified as an acidic oxide as well. Therefore, NO2 is more acidic than CO2.

4. Na2O:
As mentioned above, Na2O is a basic oxide since it is formed from a metal (sodium). It is the least acidic among the given compounds.

Based on this analysis, the correct ranking from least to most acidic oxides is:

4. CO2, Na2O, NO2